The Sony Playstation 4 was recently divulged at an affair occasion in New York.
Sony shows off next generation PlayStation 4 games - but refuses to reveal what console looks like or how much it will cost (but says it WILL be on sale in time for Christmas)
1. It’s called the PS4. Not Orbis. PS4. Hopefully this makes predictions on future brand exercises a little easier.
3. The PS3 controller has a Share button which not only allows players to upload and share clips from their gaming experiences online, it also allow players to browse their online mate’s games and take note of their trophies and leaderboards achievements. As if you didn’t feel inadequate enough already…
4. You will be able to interact with the PS4 with a smartphone or tablet. Take that, Microsoft!
5. The PS Vita – and its touch-surface interface - will be able to be used for remote play on the PS4. Take that, Nintendo!
6. Cloud gaming will be available. Gaikai – or PS Cloud – and not only will it offer players a way to sample games, it’ll solve backwards compatibility issues too.
7. There are a ton of first party games in the pipeline, including the rambunctious brawler Knack, a couple of new titles from the InFamous and KillZone franchises and Jonathan Blow’s new game, The Witness, which debuts on the PS4.
8. Third party publishers are also getting in on the action. Capcom has announced a new sword and sorcery title called Deep Down, Ubisoft has shoved a cyber thriller called Watch Dogs into the pipeline, and Bungie’s shared world shooter, Destiny, is confirmed with exclusive DLC for the PS4.
9. The PS4 is coming out this year. The date is pretty vague - "holiday 2013" - but at least we know that there may be a next gen console released in time to go under the Christmas tree.
10. The Last Guardian may be vaporware. Seriously, Sony, when better to let us know that a platform-exclusive isn't dead than at the reveal event of your new gaming platform?